
Follow along with my Missions trip journey

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The countdown has finally come down to the end and tomorrow I’ll meet the rest of my squad in Georgia for training! It’s so hard to believe that we’re almost there, after months and months of waiting and preparing it’s about to be real!

The last few weeks have been crazy with making sure I have everything I need and am ready to go, but after lots of prep and craziness everything is packed and ready! I’m super thankful to everyone that has helped me along on this journey I’ve had so many people support me in so many different ways from donating, to helping buy supplies, and most importantly covering me in prayer! I’m SO truly blessed and thankful!! The Lord has been so so good!!

This past week has also been filled with a lot of really hard goodbyes! There are so many people that have poured so much into me and impacted my life in so many ways and saying goodbye to them was incredibly hard! “How lucky am I to have something so special that it makes saying goodbye so hard” – Winnie the Pooh. This quote keeps coming to my mind and it’s so very true! Saying goodbye is hard but the fact that it’s hard shows how special these people are to me!! I’m truly going to miss everyone so much!

With all that said I am also super excited for what the Lord has in store for me! It’s been a lot of preparation but now I’m truly stepping into the unknown leaning fully on the Lord and he’s continued to give me a lot of peace!! I’m excited to finally meet all of my teammates and to serve alongside them! I’m excited to grow in my relationship with the Lord and to lean hard into him! I’m excited to serve others and share the love of Jesus with them!!

I would ask that you would continue to pray for me and my team as we embark on this new adventure! Prayers for peace as we navigate saying goodbye to family and figuring out how to settle in with each other! Prayers that we would be able to handle the physical load of training camp as well as the spiritual load! Prayers that we would be protected spiritually from any attacks Satan tries to make! Prayers that we would be challenged in a good way at training and be able to grow well in the Lord and with one another! Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support!



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Emilee Castro

A little about myself, I’m a full time college student working part-time at a bakery. In my free time I love spending time with my family and hanging out with friends. I have a passion for music and serve on my churches worship team. I also love getting to serve the Jr. High ministry and build relationships with the kids there. One of my absolute favorite things is getting to worship the Lord and seeing others worship him. I’m incredibly excited to see what the Lord has in store for me!