
Follow along with my Missions trip journey

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With only 84 days until I leave for training I thought it was past time to make another post with some updates!

The last couple months have been wild but the Lord has been faithful through all of it. Each week has been so different and crazy from school to work to church and getting prepped to leave. God is good, faithful, and sustaining! He is loving, kind, and gracious! In the last few months I’ve seen the Lord provide for me in so many ways!

The Lord carried me through the end of a very difficult semester of school where he taught me the importance of trying to find balance in every area of my life. He’s also been teaching me how to trust him with every single thing. With so many things that have to be done in order to get ready to leave it can become way too easy to start muscling it myself instead of handing it to the Lord. It’s easy to hand the big things to him but it’s harder to surrender all the little things that seem to pop up.

One of the ways that the Lord has taught me to depend on him recently is through fundraising. Raising $17,500 is a big task and a lot of work. I know my God is more than capable of providing everything that I need to be able to go, but knowing that and actively believing and living that out are two very different things. I don’t like asking people for things especially money and I take a lot of pride in being able to work and support myself so having to depend on the Lord and others has been a challenge for me. Too often my default has been to try to work harder and do it on my own but the reality is that I can’t do it all myself. It’s been a very humbling process but the Lord has been there sustaining me and providing for me.

While continuing to trust the Lord to meet my needs has been hard and a daily process, it’s also brought an unexplainable peace as the weight is lifted off my shoulders. Not only has it brought peace but I’ve also been blessed to see the ways he’s already providing for me. Over the last few months he’s been working through those around me and bringing people alongside me that have supported me well in both prayer and in donations. Praise the Lord I am 41% funded  which is absolutely huge! I’m incredibly thankful for the ways the Lord has been providing and for all the people who have partnered with me in this journey! God is good and he is more than able to continue to provide everything that I need, I just need to continue to trust him!

One of the songs that’s been an incredible reminder for me recently is More Than Able by Maverick City  “You are more than able, You are more than able, You are more than able, You are more than able, Who am I to deny what the Lord has done.”  He has all power and authority, anything is possible when God is in control. I have nothing to worry about or to fear because my God is in control!

I’d ask for your prayers that the Lord would continue to provide everything I need as I prepare to leave. That he would continue to bring peace and comfort as we get closer and fears start to creep in. I also ask that you’d be praying for everyone else on my team as they prepare to leave, for their hearts to be guarded against any spiritual warfare that might come and for continued peace in all that is to come.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for continuing to follow along on this journey with me! It means so much to me!!




Emilee Castro

A little about myself, I’m a full time college student working part-time at a bakery. In my free time I love spending time with my family and hanging out with friends. I have a passion for music and serve on my churches worship team. I also love getting to serve the Jr. High ministry and build relationships with the kids there. One of my absolute favorite things is getting to worship the Lord and seeing others worship him. I’m incredibly excited to see what the Lord has in store for me!