
Follow along with my Missions trip journey

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My last blog post technically covered the last few weeks but there’s so many more things I would love to share! While there’s a million things I could write about I just wanted to write a short little post about our ministry this past week. Like I’ve said previously, our ministry here looks like a lot of seeking out opportunities to share the gospel whether that’s through street evangelism, Uber rides, knocking on house doors, or going to schools. We’ve done a lot of different things but there’s one specific day and story I wanted to share.

I think it was this past Tuesday but our ministry for the day was going to some apartment complexes and houses to just chat with people. We split into groups and I ended up in a group with four other girls and so we began knocking on doors. Within the first few apartments we tried we ran into a little boy who was nine (almost 10 as he let us know) and talked to him for a few minutes. We began to move to the next set of apartments and he said he wanted to join us and began leading us over to the next place. Once we got there he started pointing out doors where he knew people lived and watched us talk to people. After a few houses I asked him if he wanted to knock on the door and he told me he would knock but he didn’t want to say anything and so I got him to knock.

He began knocking on all the doors from that point on and after a couple more doors I asked if he wanted to talk. He protested for a second and then he looked at me and said “How about I say hi and ask them if they know Jesus and if they want prayer but that’s it. You say the rest.” I immediately agreed and at the next apartment he was the one to start us off with talking and then we would switch to someone else. After a while we finished all the apartments and waited for everyone to meet back up before we went to the houses nearby. While we waited our little friend brought two more of his little friends along and we got to talk to both of them for a bit.

We headed off to go to the houses and all three of the little boys not only came along but started leading the way. They began almost running to houses and debating over who would get to speak at which one. They got so excited that we kept having to tell them to slow down and wait for us to get there. I’ll admit most of the houses turned us away and didn’t want any prayer but that never stopped the boys from running up to another one and trying again. We ended our day by getting invited into the house of some Jehovah Witnesses and talking to them for quite awhile. We discussed a couple of different points with them and didn’t get very far but even while we sat there talking to them the young boys would ask or answer questions. They weren’t afraid to join in the conversation or to get something wrong they just wanted to learn.

While the day didn’t look super fruitful as far as conversations that we had with people it sparked something so bright in those young boys lives. Getting to see how excited they got knocking on doors and praying for people brought me so much joy and hope for the next generation. We didn’t force them to come with us but they willingly came and went from following to leading us. It was also such a good reminder of childlike faith. These boys weren’t worried about saying the right words or doing everything correctly they just wanted to share Jesus with people. A lot of the time I struggle to walk in the kind of boldness and courage these young boys walked in, but why should I be worried when I have something so good and beautiful to share? The Lord is doing big things in their lives and I thank the Lord he let our paths cross!

This is a little longer than I wanted it to be but my hope in sharing is that maybe it can bring you a little bit of hope and encouragement for what the Lord is doing in the next generation! Thanks for reading! Below is a video from our day, I wish I could add pictures but I don’t have permission to post any.



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