
Follow along with my Missions trip journey

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With less than a month left I’ve been gathering all my supplies and soaking up the time I have left with family and friends! I’ve been blessed to be able to serve at VBS and summer camps which are one of my favorite things to do! This past week my older siblings came down to spend some time all together before I leave! I’m truly blessed to have such amazing people around me that I will miss dearly while I’m gone! I thank the Lord for their love and support on this journey!

July has gone by so fast and been filled with so much! It’s been such a crazy month but a good one! The Lord has been so faithful and such a sustainer throughout this whole journey but especially this last month! When I wrote my last blog post I was 41% funded which was amazing but still a very long way from fully funded. I’ve seen the Lord provide for me in so many ways but what He did this month blew me out of the water. I am overjoyed to say that because of the Lord’s goodness and the generosity of so many people I am now 100% funded, which is huge and an absolute praise!! I’m so very thankful for everyone that helped me reach this goal! Not only has the Lord been good to provide for me but He’s also been teaching me so much!

The last few days I’ve been helping lead worship at my churches Jr.High camp which is my absolute favorite camp! It’s such an amazing gift to see junior highers completely on fire worshipping the Lord! To see Him tear down walls in their lives as they surrender to Him! At this camp we had 10 precious students give their lives to Christ for the first time which is absolutely huge!! This camp was a huge joy and blessing to serve at but it was also my last camp before I leave which made it all the more bittersweet! It was the last time I’ll get to play with some of my friends before they go to college and I leave! It’s hard to say goodbye to this part of my life but I’m so thankful to the Lord for it! I’m thankful to love these people so much that it hurts to leave them! It’s hard and sad to see this chapter of my life close but I’m so excited for the next one! I’m excited to meet all my teammates and build relationships with them! Most importantly I’m excited to see the ways that the Lord moves and works in and through us!

To end I’d love to share some ways you can continue to be praying for me and my team! First of all prayers that the Lord would continue to provide and give peace as we prepare and get ready to leave! As we get closer it gets more real and a little more nerve wracking to think of, prayers that the Lord would use this time to draw us closer to Him! Second prayers for protection as we travel physically but also mentally and spiritually from any spiritual attacks we might face! Lastly prayers for the people we will be ministering to and the countries we’ll be in. That hearts would be open to hearing about the Lord and that we would be good representatives of Christs love!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, for following me on this journey, and for all your prayer! It means so very much to me!!




One response to “25 days left!!”

  1. Camp was fun! I hope it brings lasting memories and an enriched chapter of life. Thank you for being a huge part of our ministry. We love you Emilee!

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Emilee Castro

A little about myself, I’m a full time college student working part-time at a bakery. In my free time I love spending time with my family and hanging out with friends. I have a passion for music and serve on my churches worship team. I also love getting to serve the Jr. High ministry and build relationships with the kids there. One of my absolute favorite things is getting to worship the Lord and seeing others worship him. I’m incredibly excited to see what the Lord has in store for me!